Bee Removal Nassau County | Bees | Wasps | Hornets | Long Island | New York | Remove | Removal | Hive | Nests

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European Hornet Nest Removal Long Island, New York

European Hornets are also known as the brown or giant hornet. European Hornets are the largest eusocial wasps native to Europe and were brought to North America by European settlers in the 1800s. European Hornets were first reported in New York, and their range extends from the northeastern United States west to the Dakotas and south to Louisiana and Florida. European hornets are the only true hornet found in North America. This hornet is easily differentiated from other hornets, and yellowjackets by the reddish-brown top and sides of its head. Bald-faced hornets have a black head with white markings, whereas yellowjackets have a black head with yellow markings. European hornets construct a paper-like nest using plant materials and other fibers. European hornet nests can be found in hollow trees, sheds, and attics of Nassau County homes. European hornets are defensive of their nest and can be aggressive around food sources. These hornets are primarily carnivorous and hunt moths, dragonflies, grasshoppers, mantises, wasps, yellow jackets, bees, and beetles. However, in the late summer and fall, these hornets can be found in orchards where they feed on ripening or fallen fruit. Unlike most stinging insects, European hornets can be active at night.

European Hornet Life Cycle Long Island, New York

In the spring, the European queen hornets will begin nest construction and lay a small number of eggs, which will give rise to workers. Once the first brood of hornets emerges, the queen's duties are confined to laying eggs. Worker hornets are infertile individuals that gather food and nest materials, expand the nest, feed the developing brood, and defend the nest. The average European hornet nest will contain two hundred to four hundred workers but may contain as many as a thousand workers. Drones and queens are produced in the nest from August to November and have mating flights in the fall. In Long Island, only newly-mated queen hornets survive the winter; the old queen, workers, and drones will die. The new European hornet queens hibernate in protected sites such as under bark, rocks, shingles, or unoccupied rodent nests. The newly fertilized queen hornets will emerge the following spring to repeat the cycle.

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European Hornet Behavior Nassau County, New York

Although it is large and intimidating in appearance, European hornets will not sting unless threatened and tend to leave people alone. However, this giant hornet is capable of stinging numerous times. Those who may be allergic to their venom may go into anaphylactic shock, a medical emergency requiring immediate medical attention when stung.

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